6 Tips on How You Can Manage Pain From Braces


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Wearing braces is a common orthodontic treatment for people who like to have a straight smile. While this has been a proven method, it is common to experience pain during treatment. The pain you may feel means your teeth adjust according to their places. 

The pain associated with braces varies from how people can tolerate it. Fortunately, several effective strategies and tips can help you manage and alleviate the pain.

Communicate With Your Orthodontist

Addressing discomfort as soon as possible is critical to sustaining success in your orthodontic treatment. Look no further than Kumra Ortho, Washington, DC if you are looking for qualified orthodontists specializing in orthodontic care. They can examine your condition, discover the underlying reason, and diagnose appropriately. They help to determine the best course of action to alleviate your discomfort.

If you talk to them about your discomfort, your orthodontist can modify the treatment strategy to meet your needs. They have the skills and resources to change the braces to lessen pressure and pain, such as repositioning brackets or adjusting wires.

It may cause difficulties or worsen the discomfort if you put off or avoid communication about your pain. By keeping open lines of communication with your orthodontist, you allow them to step in as needed, ensuring that your treatment goes as planned.

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Use Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers

Without a prescription, over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are easily accessible at pharmacies and grocery stores. These medications belong to different drug classes and work in distinct ways to provide pain relief.

Speak to your pharmacist or orthodontist before taking any medicine. They can offer precise suggestions based on your medical history and any other drugs you might be taking. You should only take over-the-counter pain relievers for short-term acute pain management. Prolonged or excessive use can lead to adverse effects.

Stick to a Soft Food Diet

Braces have brackets, wires, and other sensitive parts that can break when exposed to chewy or sticky foods. Biting into such foods might bend wires or dislodge brackets, causing discomfort and longer treatment time. 

Switching to a soft diet lessens the need for excessive chewing, relieving pressure on your teeth. Additionally, you reduce tongue irritation and inflammation, which promotes faster healing of your gums and other oral tissues. Eating soft foods may lessen discomfort and hasten the adjustment process.

Apply Cold Compress

Cold compresses relieve pain in the oral tissues. The coldness can give a pleasant sensation while also assisting in relieving discomfort associated with braces. It makes blood vessels constrict, which aids in the reduction of swelling and inflammation.

Using a cold compress to relieve discomfort from braces is a simple and inexpensive approach. You can easily prepare cold compresses at home by wrapping ice cubes in a clean towel or using a gel-based cold pack. They provide an easy way to get rapid pain relief without requiring extra drugs or special equipment.

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Gently apply the cold compress to the area of discomfort for 15 minutes, holding it against your cheek or lip where you feel the most pain. Avoid applying excessive pressure to prevent any further irritation. You can use the cold compress every few hours or as needed to relieve discomfort.

Maintain a Good Oral Hygiene

Cleaning your teeth and gums removes food particles, plaque, and germs that can become trapped around the brackets and wires. This practice lessens the likelihood of gum inflammation and the development of oral sores, which can worsen discomfort. It also plays a significant role in promoting faster healing.

Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste after each meal or snack. Brush carefully around the brackets and cables, using soft circular strokes. Consider utilizing an interdental brush or a specific orthodontic toothbrush to reach difficult-to-reach places.

Use a floss threader or orthodontic floss to clean the wires and brackets properly. Floss at least once every day, preferably before going to bed. 

Use Orthodontic Wax

Brace brackets and wires can sometimes be rough or abrasive, making hurting your lips, cheeks, or tongue easier.  Orthodontic wax is a buffer between the brackets and wires and your cheeks, lips, or gums. It generates a smooth surface that reduces friction and irritation, relieving the pain and discomfort caused by braces.

Because it is flexible and simple to mold into the proper form, you may apply it exactly where you need it. It sticks to your braces and stays there until you decide to take it off. You can easily replace them as needed, offering quick relief whenever discomfort arises. 

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Ensure the area surrounding your braces is clean and dry before applying the wax. Keep some orthodontic wax on hand, and ask your orthodontist for any extra advice on using it.

Trust an Experienced Orthodontist to Help You With Brace Pain

It’s crucial to rely on the knowledge of a skilled orthodontist when it comes to treating brace pain. In the world of orthodontics, Kumra Ortho is a reputable name renowned for its dedication to patient care and outstanding treatment results. With 15 years of experience and advanced training, they can handle various orthodontic challenges and provide personalized solutions to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with braces.