Career Paths & Ladders Are Important for the Growth of Employees

Career paths and ladders are different from one another, but they both help employees to speed up their career development. Learn how.

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One of the most common reasons why top talents leave a company is because they don’t see any opportunity for growth. It doesn’t matter where they are employed, whether it be a mortgage staffing agency or some other business, employees are motivated when they get promoted. However, this issue can be taken care of. For instance, employers can define potential avenues for employees that can help them grow.

Business owners should be aware of the fact that employees frequently associate their careers with the long-term plans of the company. And they want to know how they will be able to prosper while working for them. Hence, the development of career pathing and ladders is important for engagement and retention.

What Is a Career Path?

You may have heard a lot about career pathing. But what is it? Well, you can think of it is as a roadmap for your employees. A career path does not only involve a projected timeline of goals that leads to how employees are expected to perform. It also includes instructions and steps for employees which helps them to achieve their goals. Creating a career path is one of the most important tasks of HR. But here’s the thing; HR alone cannot define a career path. Employees are required to collaborate with the department to structure the path carefully. While building a career path, an employee’s competencies, skills, interests, and experiences are identified. This helps in finding new opportunities and pathways that can allow your employees to unlock their full potential.

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There are some tools that can enable employees to make both short- and long-term goals which will serve as milestones. Achieving these milestones will help them put a mark on their career development map. As they continue to complete their milestones, you can consider them for advancement.

What Is a Career Ladder?

Career ladders are the roles that are held by the employees. These roles change considering how much an employee has progressed during his/her time in a company. For instance, if there is someone in management, the career ladder for that individual may contain titles like assistant manager, general, senior, area, and vice president. A career ladder can become a part of a career path which can help indicate specific development goals. But why is it designed? Well, it is done so to assist employees in furthering their career development. This is also done to reward employees for their commitment to the job.

 The Benefits of Career Pathing

Career pathing can give a lot of benefits to the business. Here are some of them:

Low Turnover Rate

No one would ever want to be stuck in a job position forever. And if an employee starts to think that it is the end of the road and there are no chances for growth, they will quit the job. However, you can keep your employees motivated by continually training them. You can also take steps to develop their skills which will help them progress easily.

Succession Planning

Career planning can help an organization understand the personnel changes. Companies will be able to figure out and mitigate the skill gap. Also, they will be able to train employees for their next role. So that when they are promoted, they face minimum hurdles. Moreover, if you choose to move those employees with great leadership skills to management positions, it will help companies to prosper.

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Employee Engagement

If employees are content, your business will continue to blossom. But if they are not, you should then probably prepare for the worse. You see, employees are no longer satisfied with just paychecks. Instead, they now wish to develop both professionally and personally at their workplace. If a career path is defined, this will allow employees to get familiar with their own competencies and skills. They can then leverage their qualities to achieve their career goals with ease.

How to Develop Employees with Pathing & Ladders

There are a few steps that you need to implement for developing employees with pathing and ladders. And they are as follows:

  • Identify the structure of your company
  • Define requirements of different positions
  • Create a roadmap for every position
  • Identify if employees need training
  • Design actionable programs
  • Create employee career paths


Besides thinking of ways to introduce centralized vs decentralized hiring, HR must also focus on career pathing and ladders. After all, it is what will motivate employees to keep giving their best at their jobs. The HR professionals should take into account the aforementioned steps to choose the best employees that deserve to be promoted and create pathing and ladders for them so they can enjoy their career development.