How to look as photogenic as Indian Supermodel Karan Oberoi


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India’s most photogenic face Karan Oberoi also known as KO, is  today’s world most in demand male model whose  pictures, are enough to say what I am taking aboutKaran Oberoi model is one of the models today who has created waves not just in India but overseas too. Question arises what makes Karan Oberoi aka KO unique than other models, yes indeed his photogenic face that is contributed by some amazing expressions, superb styling and fashion sense and definitely flawless skin!  If you have Face book profile or any other social media account and you don’t have photogenic pictures, it doesn’t feel amazing right? Its like everyone looks awesome but why don’t i?  So if you want to have your pictures just like KO, then you just need to follow some simple steps that I am going to share here beneath! Karan Oberoi has also won an award Mr. photogenic face at Mr. India modeling contest and has emerged as famous icon among youth! 

 These simple following points if kept in mind, can help anyone look as Photogenic as India’s leading male model  Karan Oberoi (KO): 

  • Try clearing your skin. The focus of most of the pictures is the face, so make sure that yours is in tip top condition while you are in front of the camera. Skin plays major role when it comes to looking great in front of camera. Eating good food such as green vegetables and citrus fruits does contribute to good lifestyle hence giving good skin.
  • Focus on what makes you unique and different. One of the characteristics of photogenic people is their confidence in their appearance which certainly Karan Oberoi model possess that you should too. Confidence is always visible in the eyes while you face it which ultimately makes the picture look superb. Make sure you are always confident while you face the camera.
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  • Karan Oberoi (KO) believes in showing your emotions via different expressions. It becomes very important that you gives different expressions to look extra ordinary in the pictures. Flat face can decrease the worth of the picture, try smile with your eyes which creates magic in the lens. 
  • Indian model Karan Oberoi also believes in not to look at the camera straight on, the trick is to look apart from camera, as if you have not come for a photo shoot but actually performing some task while you are in front of the camera.
  • Adjust the angles of your face. Some of us have really nice face angles the way Karan Oberoi model has, he also believes to be quite familiar with your left and right profiles because everyone can’t look awesome from every profile.